The Institute for Global Challenges and the Law, at the Boalt Hall, School of Law, University of California, Berkeley is organising a one-day conference on the International Outsourcing of the Legal Profession on Friday, April 25, 2008. The details on the event are available at and the speaker panel comprises representations from law firms (Morrison Foerster, Fish & Richardson, Goodwin Procter), corporations (Microsoft, Cisco Systems, Sun Microsystems) , legal and economics academia (UC Berkeley, Penn State) and some LPO providers (Pangea3, LawScribe, LegalForest, Raj Abhyanker). The topics revolve around answering the following:
- Why isn’t everyone outsourcing legal work?
- What type of legal work is outsourced and to whom is it being outsourced?
- Who is outsourcing? And what have their experiences been both generally and with regard to outsourcing patent drafting and patent searches?
- What impact will outsourcing have on the elite guild nature of the legal profession and on U.S. employment as a whole?
The registration fee for the conference is $150 and CLE credits are available.